Are you looking for the Thoughts exact meaning in Telugu ? This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about the term Thoughts in Telugu. you can also know about meaning, examples, synonyms, antonyms, and history of the word.
The word Thoughts can be translated in telugu language : -- ఆలోచన, అభిప్రాయం, ఎంపిక, ఆలోచన, మనస్సు. Primarily the word refers to thoughts, opinions, or considerations (that is, what occupies one's mind). Be reflective, imaginative or analytical. Apart from that, they can also be said to shape the way we perceive the world.
It can be said to be either the mental process of thinking or the thoughts and opinions formed in the mind.
Ex : Gita's thoughts are mainly focused on problem solving."
– గీత ఆలోచనలు సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడంపై కేంద్రీకృతమయ్యాయి